All Bark, No Bite
romantic Comedy
Cast: 2W, 2M, 1F/NB/T
Run time: 110 min.
Charlotte and Eugene live a quiet, no-nonsense lifestyle surrounded by sudoku and argyle. Robert and Bella are boisterous and messy and ridiculously in love. Then there's the neighbor, Suzanne, who basically doesn't know what's going on, but definitely has something to say about it.
Sure, relationships can be exciting! They can also be confusing, unexpected, and expose us to profound emotional risk. However, relationships are almost always worth exploring, and if we’re willing to be vulnerable, can fill up the empty or wounded spaces in our hearts.
And if that doesn’t work? Well, get a dog.
Production History
Ghost Light Productions, Atlanta, GA, 2024
Published: Ghost Light Publications, 2024
Stratton Players, Fitchburg, MA, 2023
Gypsy Theatre Guild, Kalispell, Montana, 2020
Calliope Productions, February 28 - March 10, 2019, Calliope Theater, Boylston, MA - Theater Review: Four Stars, Worcester Telegram
Bell Tower Theater, February 8-24, 2019, Dubuque, Iowa
Published: Rebel Belle Publishing, 2018
Fully-produced Workshop, June 2-12, 2016, Singh Performance Center, Whitinsville, MA - Theater Review: Four Stars, Worcester Telegram
Workshop/Staged Reading, September 2015, Singh Performance Center, Whitinsville, MA
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