Full-Length Plays

by Kara Emily Krantz

All Bark, No Bite

Charlotte and Eugene live a quiet, no-nonsense lifestyle surrounded by sudoku and argyle. Robert and Bella are boisterous and messy and ridiculously in love. Then there's the neighbor, Suzanne, who basically doesn't know what's going on, but definitely has something to say about it. 
Sure, relationships can be exciting! They can also be confusing, unexpected, and expose us to profound emotional risk. However, relationships are almost always worth exploring, and if we’re willing to be vulnerable, can fill up the empty or wounded spaces in our hearts. 
And if that doesn’t work? Well, get a dog.

You, Me, and Ennui

When 28-year-old Samantha wakes up with a hangover on 75-year-old Theodore's couch, the only logical way to navigate the situation is to pose as his caretaker. While discovering why she is there, Sam and Teddy form a strange yet wonderful bond. Sometimes people stumble into your life... and help heal you.

All for the Love of You a full-length play by Kara Emily Krantz.

All for the Love of you

Gerald, 75, while mourning the loss of his wife, Daisy, and feeling pressure from his family to pack up his house and move to assisted living, struggles with memories, regrets, and ultimately with the healing that can come after a family decides to confront all that is broken between them.


Returning home after years away, Katherine is confronted not only by her father’s disappointment and her brother’s condescending mirth, but also the broken memories latent within the home. Katherine soon realizes the only way out is from within and pulls from her stores of memories and pain to vocalize a new identity, to finally use her powerful, poetic voice to pave new possibilities for herself and her family.